Monday, 2 February 2015


Course: BSE-IIIA
Resource Teacher: MRS. MARIE ROSE RAMOS

     At the end of this activity, you will be informed on the principles of authentic assessment and its usefulness in the classroom.

Authentic assessment is an alternative way of assessing students’ learning. To be able to use it, you must have a deep understanding of it. To help you reach your goal to the following task:
1.   Visit a classroom and interview a teacher on his/her experiences in using authentic assessment.
2.    Describe how the teacher uses the authentic assessment.
3.    Write a reflective journal on the activity.


•Why authentic assessment is very important tools in assessing a student?
     > In assessing student’s ability, knowledge, and skills inside the classroom, authentic assessment is very important because it focuses to the whole performance of every learner.
• Is there any process to be follow?
     > In laboratory works or experiment that can be applied in real-world setting, students must be able to follow a particular process in order for them to come up with a good product.
• How was authentic assessment used?
     > We used authentic assessment including rubrics and score cards to assess learners. It is logically used to find out how well we have attained our lesson objective.


1. What is authentic assessment?

        > Authentic assessment is a process on how teachers assessed their students based on their performances inside the classroom. It is designed for students to build their practical thinking that they apply in real-life situations.

2. How was authentic assessment used? Was it used to measure learning through the product?

        > Authentic assessment is designed and used by the teacher in experimentation's and research works, wherein she uses a rubrics or score cards in order to assess her learners easily.
        > In Science, product is not only the basis to measure learning because it is inter-connected to the materials and technique used in the given activity, and without this two we can’t produce a good product. 

What are your insights and feelings about the use of authentic assessment?

          > In authentic assessment the teacher stands as a facilitator. Thus, they let students become creative, imaginative and exploration that they can be used in their future.

 Describe how the teacher used authentic assessment.

          > The teacher used the authentic assessment in a proper and fair manner. It is valid assessment tools because it matches with her lesson objective.

How did you feel about the teacher’s experience in the use of authentic assessment?

          >I feel comfortable because the teacher’s experience in the use of authentic assessment is in high. As a future educator I am very impressed to see the great result of using this assessment tools and the great impact of it to the learners.

What could be the gains of the students and teachers in using authentic assessment?

          > By the help of authentic assessment students gained their self-esteem and boosted their creativity and critical thinking in performing a task. Teachers stands only as a facilitator and it is easier for them because the only thing they do is to let their students learn independently and experienced a various task that applied in real-life setting.

Which part of the teacher’s use of authentic assessment do you feel like improving or revising?

        > In their research activity, student’s portfolio is improving. It is from the basic to complex formation, to help students achieved their product by using their critical and practical thinking.

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