Monday 16 March 2015



Name of FS Student:    Jomari G. Rodriguez

Course:               Bachelor of Secondary Education

Resource Teacher:       Mrs.Marie Rose Ramos

Cooperating School:    Isabela National High School

At the end of this activity, you will be skillful in designing product-oriented performance assessment

  Design a product-oriented performance assessment by going through the process through the following steps:
1.     Visit a class and identify product-oriented activities.
                                           2.  Choose one product-oriented activity and study the process.
                                           3.     Design a performance assessment plan for the product-oriented activity you have chosen.
                                           4.    Develop a portfolio of your assessment plan.
                                           5.    Reflect on your experience.

   Name of the School Observed:   Isabela National High School
   School Address:                            Claravall St., San Vicente, Ilagan, Isabela
   Date Visited:                                   February 17, 2015
   Grade/Year Level:                          4th Year-Cattleya
   Subject Area:                                 Science (Research)

Describe in bullets the product-oriented activity you observe.

           In making their Portfolios
                 The teacher announced a task which is to make portfolios in their research subject. The students able;
                  *The students passed the research paper in well-organized   papers.
                  *The process given by the teacher is well explained to their students, the outcomes or the product of their activity is finished well at exact period of time.

Learning Objectives:
           Students will produce a collage explaining what is light and its importance to everyone.
General Product-oriented performance task:
           Collage making
Target Skills:
           Using cut pictures from magazines, books and brochures, students will develop their creativity and to become resourceful in making the activity.
Learning Activities (Specific task) :
           *grouping of students (5 members in each group)
           *assigning of task (orientation)
           *project making
               1. cutting of pictures
               2. assembling
               3. output or finished product
Assessment Tasks:
           The making of the product will be evaluated through the following criteria:

      Name of the School Observed:   Isabela National High School
      School Address:                            Claravall St., San Vicente, Ilagan, Isabela
      Date Visited:                                   February 17, 2015
      Grade/Year Level:                          4th Year-Cattleya
      Subject Area:                                 Science (Research)
What are the best features of my product-oriented performance assessment design?
ð It is depend on the output of the students because its graded using a criteria base reference or a rubric to avoid biases and discrimination
What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my product-oriented performance assessment design?
ð My product-oriented performance assessment design achieves my learning objectives. It is valid and reliable because it has criterion in judging the outcomes of the activity.

What basic points should the user of this design consider?
ð The creativity and uniqueness of the product.
ð The reason why they choose a specific image to be their product that represents the importance of light.
ð  The color of the picture to be inserted must fit to the product.


1. Do you think your originally design product-oriented performance assessment can appropriately assess the teacher’s learning objective? Why? Why not?

=> As you can see, the design product-oriented performance assessment that I made is parallel to my teacher’s learning objective. It can provide other sources of information about the attainment of learning outcomes.

2. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ product-oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?

               => It is important to give attention to the student’s product tasks, to come-up with a better and presentable product. Teacher’s need to assess the students performances, to measure their abilities and to know if their totally understand the process given to them by their teacher.

3. In what conditions can the product-oriented performance assessment be need more appropriately?

        =>  When teachers give instruction clearly that be able students to perform various task and finished it at exactly time.
 => When teacher are more concern in the outcomes or product finished by their students.


Write your reflection of thoughts, feelings, personal learning strategies, insights or new understanding from your experience in using authentic assessment. Then share your reflection with your FS teacher and classmates. Also draw some insights from your classmates’ sharing.
After answering all the questions in this field study I realized that as a future teacher we should be more observant and give more attention to our pupils/students because all of them have a different characteristics and capabilities that we should enhance through the use of different methods, strategies and assessment tools. Also, after answering this field study I understand how a teacher should be in dealing his/her pupils. And through this I have learned many things that I can use when I am already in the field of teaching. That in giving assessment is a task that we need to think and examine carefully and we should base it on the learners and the learning objectives for it to be successfully done.

          As an observant, I learned that authentic assessment is asked to perform real-world tasks that demonstrate meaningful application of essential knowledge and skills, through these assessment learners will actively participate because of the appropriateness and attainess of the topic itself. It helps students to explore and work as a group or individually, for them to develop their domains (cognitive, affective, and psychomotor).
          This subject is very helpful to us, as a future educator. It gives us lot of experiences and new knowledge that will use in our future needs. This assessment will be my basis and my way to evaluate every student that will be under in my supervision because it makes easier for me to monitor the achievements of every learner’s.

Thursday 26 February 2015



Name of FS Student:    Jomari G. Rodriguez

Course:               Bachelor of Secondary Education

Resource Teacher:       Mrs.Marie Rose Ramos

Cooperating School:    Isabela National High School


     At the end of this activity, you will be skillful in designing process – oriented performance assessment.

    After your observation experience you now have a deeply and principled understanding of the concepts of authentic assessment used in the classroom. You can now go through the process of designing performance assessment by the following these steps:
1.      Visit a class and identify performance-based activities.
2.      Choose one performance-based activity and study its process.
                      3.      Design a performance assessment plan for the activity you have chosen.
                    4.      Collect samples of performance-based assessment tools
5.      Reflect on your experience.

In observing a class, take note of important observations of the performance-based activity in the classroom. Make a checklist of the important things you want to consider in your assessment planning. Use the activity form provided for you. You may use format of process-oriented assessment that you have taken in your assessment 2 class. The rubrics are part and parcel of this assessment plan.


   Name of the School Observed:   Isabela National High School
   School Address:                            Claravall St., San Vicente, Ilagan, Isabela
   Date Visited:                                   February 17, 2015
   Grade/Year Level:                          4th Year-Cattleya
   Subject Area:                                 Science (Research)

    Describe in bullets the performance-based activity you observe.
           *The instruction given by the teacher is clearly understand by                     the students.
          *The instructions follow an orderly sequence.
          *the teacher facilitates the learners while doing their activity.


   Based on your observation, make a checklist of the important things you wish to consider in your performance-based assessment plan.


·         In making a Laboratory Activity, I wish to add the following considerations in assessing the performance of the students
-          The students must make their activity clean.
-          All members in the group must cooperate.
-          Use the laboratory apparatus in a proper way.
-          Using a write-up, students must write a detailed and well explained observation in their activity.

Notes On My Process-Oriented Assessment Plan
       Name of the School Observed:   Isabela National High School
       School Address:                            Claravall St., San Vicente, Ilagan, Isabela
       Date Visited:                                   February 17, 2015
       Grade/Year Level:                          4th Year-Cattleya
        Subject Area:                                 Science (Research)

       What are the best features of my process-oriented performance assessment design?

-          The students can know the importance and uses of apparatus in their activity.
-          The design is used to protect every student from harmful substances that present in their activity.
-          The students can used their critical and practical abilities in making their task.

        What specific conditions are necessary for a successful use of my process-oriented performance assessment design?

-          The materials use must be harmless and safe to use.
-          The place where students perform their activity must be conducive.
-          The materials use in the task must be available.

       What basic points should the user of this design consider?

     The user must use a scoring rubric’s in order to assess well the learners.
-          The cleanliness in making the activity.
-          The experiment must finish at the exact time.
-          The cooperation of the group.


1. Why do teachers need to give attention to the students’ process-oriented tasks? Why do they need to assess them?
            The students can’t perform the task without any process given by the teacher because it stands as a basis for them in making their tasks.
            Teachers need to assess their learners to know if their students can follow and understand the process that they give. Process-oriented based is used to test student’s ability in performing a task.

2.      In what conditions can the process-oriented performance assessment be used appropriately?
            Process-oriented performance assessment can be used appropriately in certain activities such as:
1.      Baking, handicraft, computer, sewing etc, in TLE.
2.      Laboratory, research works in Science.
3.      Problem solving in Mathematics.

      As a future educator, I would try my very best to follow the procedures and strategies used by my resource teacher. I want to teach the skills of critical and creative thinking to my students by the use of my performance objectives.
        This assessment tools that I learned in this subject gives me knowledge that I may use in the future, it will be may basis that I want to apply to let my students work independently and to let them explore, to learn various situations happens in real-life that helps them to boost their creative minds.